A company's carbon footprint is all the greenhouse gases emitted by direct or indirect effects through the activity carried out by that company.
Carbon Footprint is a feature offered by BBVA to users of BBVA Online Banking BBVA Business.
This feature offers users of BBVA Online Business two services: The Service relating to the estimated calculation of your carbon footprint (the "Tool") and the financing service for those goods and services aimed at reducing the impact of the carbon footprint offered by BBVA.
1. Service related to the estimated calculation of your carbon footprint (the “Tool”).
To benefit from this service, BBVA analyzes the information on the payments registered in your accounts and in the accounts of other banks added to the BBVA Financial Aggregator, relating to:
- Energy/electricity: includes all transactions identified as corresponding to debits, transfers and card payments related to gas and electricity bills. The Tool does not allow electricity payments to be separated from those corresponding to gas or other fossil fuels. It is also necessary to indicate that the energy bill included corresponds to the total cost and other expenses not related to energy. This inclusion may slightly overestimate the emissions calculated for this source.
- Fuel: includes all card payments at gas stations, fuel check charges and receipts at service stations. Therefore, other expenses made at service stations such as cafeterias, etc., can also be added to the own fuel expenses at gas stations. This inclusion may slightly overestimate the emissions calculated for this source.
The main sources used in the BBVA Tool are MITECO's Spanish Climate Change Office for fuels and the National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC) for energy/electricity.
These two official bodies update their factors at the year-end. Fuel factors are usually constant, but electricity factors may have significant annual variations depending on the national production mix and the mix of the different electricity marketers. These fluctuations cannot be anticipated, which is why the BBVA Tool always uses the latest published and available official emission factors.
The Tool will provide information on the carbon footprint on a monthly basis. To convert fuel and electricity payments, the Tool always uses the latest official information available (monthly report on Prices and Tariffs published by the Secretary of State for Energy with a month delay for fuels and the latest Eurostat statistics available in the semester of payment for electricity and natural gas), so the resulting data may not be up-to-date.
The measurement data of "My Carbon Footprint" are mere estimates that may differ significantly from the actual measurement that would be provided if BBVA had 100% of your company's actual consumption. They are based on partial information and statistics calculated by the Tool each month.
The Service will include among its features other value-added services such as categorization by type of fuel and energy expenditure and aggregated information.
In order to adequately provide the Service and to be able to offer you statistical information, you authorize BBVA to irreversibly anonymize and dissociate the Information obtained through the provision of this service, not allowing the identification of any holder thereof, or customers, or any other companies.
The Service will also allow you to view the annual amount of energy and fuel payments based on the environmental impact calculation.
Based on this calculation, BBVA will provide you with a calculator so that you can set savings goals using different formulas to reduce your environmental impact.
The data provided by this calculator is indicative and does not take into account the different variations that the prices of consumption or other factors may suffer.
The conclusions you may obtain from the use of the Service and the decisions you may take based on the use or information or analysis offered through it are your sole responsibility. In this sense, you shall not, under any circumstances, consider that the information or analysis offered through the Service involves advice of a legal, tax, financial, investment or technical nature, or an offer of a guarantee by BBVA, or is deemed a banking recommendation or the basis for making a decision in any given direction.
BBVA is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information provided, especially in the event that it has not been updated and verified, in compliance with current or future regulations.
MITECO (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) provides a methodological document on the Carbon Footprint that can be viewed here.
2. “Energy Efficiency Financing” Financing Service provided by BBVA:
BBVA offers different financing formulas for sustainable initiatives to improve the company's energy efficiency: renting, leasing, credit accounts, loans. This service consists of a study by BBVA of financing aimed at reducing the impact of the carbon footprint (replacement of LED bulbs, motors, boilers, etc).
In the event that the Company is interested in requesting financing to reduce its environmental impact, the financing operation is subject to BBVA's prior approval and does not constitute a financing offer binding either BBVA or the company.