DPOS + TicketBAI app

The app for businesses of the Regional Councils and the Basque Government. It lets you send any invoices you issue for sales, collected in cash or other means, electronically to the Regional Tax Agency at the time of collection, from BBVA's Android POS terminal. 

You can now take out and install the DPOS + TicketBAI app on BBVA's Android POS terminal to comply with the TicketBAI regulations of your regional tax agency

  • Complies with the requirement of the Basque Tax Agency

    And send your sales invoices online from the POS terminal, at the same time that the payment is made.
  • Go to your branch to activate the DPOS + TicketBAI app

    On your BBVA Android POS terminal.

Advantages of the DPOS app

    • It complies with the TicketBAI legal requirements of the Basque tax agency in terms of the information on purchase receipts and the electronic delivery of sales invoices to the tax agency.
    • It lets you process both card and cash sales.
    • With no additional development or technological investment on your part.
    • Simple and easy to use, similar to the features of a traditional cash register.



Get it up and running easily

  • The first time you use it, you will have to set up the store and associate the BAI certificate, as well as register the items in your catalog. With each sale:

    • From the app, select the products purchased by the customer and add them to the shopping cart.
    • Select the payment method: Cash or card.
    • If the payment is with a card, charge it on the POS terminal as usual.
    • Give the buyer the receipt generated by the POS terminal, which includes the information required by the TicketBAI law.
    • The receipt is sent electronically to the corresponding regional tax office automatically, without having to do anything. Diusframi website: https://www.diusframi.es/dpos/

    You can also issue refunds, check or view transactions, count/close out the receipts, and more.


Apply at your branch

  • Go to your BBVA branch to sign up for an Android POS terminal (if you don't have one yet) and include the DPOS + Ticket BAI* service in your purchase contract. The next day you will see the app on your POS terminal. Simply accept the Terms and Conditions to start using it.
*Service provided by Diusframi S.A.U. through its own app or software, which can be downloaded from the POS terminal. Diusframi is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Service and for any legal and contractual obligations that may arise, especially involving confidentiality and privacy. The POS terminal is only used as a technological resource to make the app available to the store. BBVA bears no responsibility with regard to the Service and the consequences of the actions of Diusframi S.A.U. The details of the operations and customers of the store that use the Service purchased by the store will be processed by Diusframi S.A.U. through its application installed in the POS terminal. BBVA will not have access to any details related to the Service.