Loans guaranteed by SAECA
SAECA loans to finance investments.
Improvement or installation of irrigation systems.
Purchase land and machinery.
Agricultural and livestock structures.
It includes financing backed up by grants from the Ministry of Agriculture to facilitate access to financing for farmers and ranchers.
The Ministry subsidizes the cost of guaranteeing certain transactions, and may even cover it completely in certain cases.
At BBVA we make your procedures with SAECA easier.
*Product available for businesses with a turnover under 5 million euros
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BBVA may suggest that customers find out about the necessary process to apply for different types of public aid and/or subsidies through various partners, who, at the direct request of the customer, will do approximate calculations based on legal sources from official publications and/or bulletins issued by government agencies, as participants in the various programs for channeling funds. The aim is to provide customers with useful tools to detect their potential additional financial needs. However, awarding and accessing these grants and subsidies does not depend on BBVA but rather the suitability of each applicant and the eligibility of each customer or each investment project submitted. Please note that each Autonomous Community, local entity or participating public body may modify the application or award criteria.