How to set up a company step by step

Guide to setting up your business step by step

Are you thinking about starting a business? Whether you want to do it as a self-employed worker or create a company, we'll tell you step by step how to set up a company in Spain.  

We know that it can be a long and confusing process. At BBVA we want to help you on your way to entrepreneurship, which is why we have developed this guide, to tell you everything you need to know to achieve it.

Before getting started…

  • Have a clear business idea

    You always have more chances for success if your idea is well developed.


  • Write a Business Plan

    It will be helpful to do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) of your idea.


  • Undertake market research

    It might also be helpful to carry out a Self-Assessment of Your Entrepreneurial Capacity, to better know your product or service and your chances of success.

How are you thinking of starting your business?

If you plan to embark on a project, first you have to decide whether to register as a self-employed worker or to create a company. Below we will tell you what steps to take depending on which one you choose.

Choose an option: