Analysis and training in BBVA Trader Bolsa

BBVA Trader Bolsa analysis videos

Market opening and closing

  • Ramón Bermejo Climent, PhD from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and independent analyst, analyses weekly the behavior and outlook of the Spanish Ibex 35.

BBVA Trader Bolsa analysis reports

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  • Master Class Quality Shares with David Galán
  • Technical indicators in action: how to use Bollinger and Kelner to improve your trades
  • S&P 100 Special Masterclass with Albert Albareda 05/29/2024
  • Introduction to technical analysis II: support, resistance and trend channels
  • Technical indicators: essential tools to trade with confidence
  • Mastering the Oscillators: Practical Strategies for Trading
  • Introduction to technical analysis I
  • Trends and Moving Averages
  • Moving Averages
  • More efficient patterns in the trend change
  • Trend continuation patterns
  • Special growth shares

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Get to know our experts

Aitor Odriozola

Head of Retail Securities in the BBVA market area.

Esther López

Head of Trading Desk Retail in BBVA market.

Ángel Cotera

BBVA Trader Technical Analysis Specialist.

Luis Miguel Durán

BBVA Market Specialist.

Jakelin Rodas

Specialist in international markets at BBVA.

Nacho Molpeceres

Specialist in international markets at BBVA.
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