A collective is a group of personnel that is determined by their profession or by the professional association of which they are members. At BBVA, we know that each profession has a particular need, which is why we offer you services and products with conditions that are especially designed for you.
BBVA Collectives
When you belong to a collective, you enjoy the advantages of a great bank with an extra incentive
Online Account with no fees or conditions
For whatever you want, free of charge.Become a BBVA customer
Your mortgage with special terms
Calculate your payment with no commitment and see what your terms are.Perform your customized study -
A loan with advantages for your projects
Calculate your special loan for collectives. And if you have your paycheck paid directly into your BBVA account, it is 1% cheaper.Calculate your repayments
Do you belong to the Host Group? Take advantage of your benefits
A group with special conditions due to being a friend or family member of a BBVA employee.
Exclusive BBVA offer
This is an exclusive offer from BBVA that is entirely external to the entity whose members receive this offer.
You need to prove that you belong to the group.