Next Generation Funds Advance Loan

If you have requested public financing, you don't have to wait to receive it

  •  Get 100% of the subsidy faster.
  • Don't wait, take advantage of potential opportunities.
  • You can apply if you have requested Next Generation funds, whether you have received them or are still waiting for an answer.

Speed up your project

  • Time is an important resource

    When you apply for a public subsidy through the Next Generation European Funds, it may take a while for you to receive the money. We have designed this loan so you don't have to wait, or even know if you have been granted the funds.

How much does it cost?

  • The price is customized

    Every project is different, so before giving you a price, we analyze your project and your needs. To give you an idea, here's an example with figures:

    See example

What are the conditions?

  • Requirements

    You only need:

    • Be self-employed or an SME.
    • An account at BBVA. 
    • Have applied for a subsidy through the Next Generation funds. You don't need to have your fund request approved yet, just submitted.

    Note that each case is studied separately and the financing is always subject to approval by the bank. 

Are you interested?

You can send an application for financing products for European Next Generation funds, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Questions that may come up

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