2021 Income Tax Campaign Tax Newsletter

Table of Contents

2021 Income Tax and Wealth Tax Campaign

The Income Tax and Wealth Tax Campaign began on April 6 and will end definitively on June 30, the deadline for filing returns.

For the Campaign we have prepared this "Special Edition" of our Tax Newsletter, which summarizes the most relevant aspects to take into account when filing the Income Tax and Wealth Tax (IP) returns.

Of course, we have some new developments this year, most of them incorporated by the General State Budget Law for 2021 and by Law 11/2021, of 9 July, on measures to prevent and combat tax fraud.

Among these new developments, it is worth highlighting, for Income Tax, the higher tax rates for the highest incomes, both in the rate applicable to the general base, and the rate corresponding to the savings base; and a lower quantitative limit for the reduction in the tax base for contributions to pension plans and other social welfare systems; and for Wealth Tax, the increase in the maximum marginal rate applicable to taxpayers with tax residence in autonomous communities that have not approved their own rate; and the incorporation of a special rule for the valuation of life insurance policies in which the policyholder does not have the power to exercise the right to fully redeem the policy.

Similarly, we would like to draw your attention to how in the "2021 Income Tax Practical Guide" made available to all taxpayers on its website, the Tax Administration dedicates a specific section to explaining the most relevant tax implications for Income Tax derived from investing in virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies.

Finally, we do not want to miss the opportunity to remind you that accumulation products, such as investment funds, continue to be very efficient for the management of financial investments, to the extent that they allow the payment of Income Tax (IRPF) to be deferred and contribute to reducing the Wealth Tax (IP) rate by applying the IRPF-IP joint taxation limit.

Jesús Muñoz García

Director of Asset Planning

BBVA Private Banking

Below, we summarize the matters that we consider most important in terms of filing the Income Tax return corresponding to the 2021 fiscal year.

If you are required to file a Wealth Tax return, there are a number of matters that you cannot ignore. Among these, it is worth mentioning the obligation to file a tax return (or not), the assets and rights exempt from taxation, the valuation standards, as well as the tax liability limitation rule due to application of this tax's joint tax limit with Income Tax.

The Income Tax and Wealth Tax liability may vary depending on the autonomous community of residence. Therefore, it is very important to understand the rules that will lead us to apply the regulations of one or another community.

Summary table of financial product taxation for Income Tax

In this PDF you will be able to see the summary table:

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The content in this section is provided for information purposes only and does not comprise tax or legal advice.