BBVA Pre-approved Online Loan
Are you interested?
Getting your loan is very simple
- Go into your private area to see if you've been pre-approved for a loan.
- Choose an amount and a term that does not exceed that of your pre-approved loan.
- Sign it digitally and the money will be deposited into your account instantly.
The loan will be subject to approval by BBVA.
You have 14 calendar days from the date you sign to withdraw from the loan contract without incurring a cancellation fee; we would refund the commitment fee to you, and you would only have to pay for the interest accrued during those days.
Is your project sustainable?
We'll help you reduce your carbon footprint with this loan for the following improvements:
- Solar panels: Installation of solar panels for self-supply.
- Lighting: The lighting system must be in one of the two highest energy efficiency categories.
Check the energy label ratings eligible for a discount at the bottom of this page.
- Heating/air-conditioning/ventilation/hot water: All condensation boilers are included, as are HVAC systems, provided that the latter are in one of the two highest energy efficiency categories.
- Control and automation: Lighting, HVAC, installation of motion detectors for lighting, and automatically turning installations on and off.
- Insulation: Improvements to the thermal insulation of the building envelope (façades, roofs, etc.), adding thermal insulation to the existing insulation, or installing windows with two or three panes.
- Household appliances: Purchase of large volume appliances (excluding microwave and small appliances); must be in one of the two highest energy efficiency categories.
- Mobility: Purchase of electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, installation of charging points for electric vehicles, bicycles (with and without motors) and electric scooters.
- Solar panels: Installation of solar panels for self-supply.
Would you like to pay a smaller fee?
Reduce the interest rate by 1% by direct depositing your paycheck
As a BBVA customer, you will have your own NIR and APR for your Pre-approved Online Loan. But if you decide to direct deposit for the life of the loan a paycheck of at least €600, or a pension of at least €300, or an unemployment benefit, the initial interest rate on your loan will be reduced by 1%.
This reduction will be applied at least during the first 3 loan payments. From that moment on, the requirements will be reviewed to verify that the reduction still applies. This same review will be repeated every 6 months throughout the life of the loan.
Do you also want peace of mind?
You are eligible for payment protection insurance
Having the peace of mind of knowing that your loan will never become a burden is something you are probably interested in. That's why we offer Payment Protection Insurance that you can purchase together with your Pre-approved Online Loan.
With this insurance, if any of the circumstances specified in the contract occur, the insurance company will cover the outstanding amount.
The price of the insurance will be calculated by adding 1 percentage point to the interest rate of the loan. You can find out the exact amount during the purchase process.
Find out about energy labeling
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