BBVA Guaranteed Premium Life Insurance covers the following:
- Death: After deducting the amount paid for the Death Assistance coverage, the policy's designated beneficiaries will receive the contracted capital sum.
- Death due to an Accident: Accidental Death is considered to be the result of any bodily injury due to the direct action of a violent, sudden, external event that was beyond the control of the Insured person and that causes his/her death within a year from the date of the occurrence.
In the event of Accidental Death occurring within one year of the accident, the designated Beneficiaries will receive an additional capital sum equal to that of the main death coverage, i.e., the capital sum of the death coverage plus the capital sum of the Accidental Death coverage.
If the death occurs after said one-year period from the time of the accident, no Accidental Death compensation shall be paid. The designated Beneficiaries will only receive the sum of the Death coverage.
- Full Permanent Disability by Accident: irreversible physical and irreversible situation caused by an accident, which permanently disqualifies you from performing any work relationship or professional activity.
- Funeral Assistance: coordination, telephone assistance, guidance and funeral service, if requested. The cost of this service will be limited to €6,000 and will be deducted from the amount of the Death coverage.
- Medical Guidance by phone and/or website:
- Second Medical Opinion.
- 24-hour Medical Guidance in general, family and gynecological medicine.
- Nutritional, Dietetic and Psychological Guidance.
- Health Check, exclusively by website.
- Get in Form, exclusively on the website.
Remember that the coverage and limitations of this policy will be detailed in the information you will receive before you purchase it.