
Conoce las diferentes temáticas de pódcast que podrás escuchar cómodamente, estés donde estés.

En BBVA contamos con especialistas que rentabilizarán tus ahorros y gestionarán tus activos según tus necesidades.
En 2025 un nuevo supuesto excepcional de liquidez permitirá recuperar aquellas aportaciones que tengan al menos diez años de antigüedad.
Invest in a strategic and diversified way to accomplish your financial goals with lower risk and higher profitability.
Planning, diversifying, and tracking investments regularly, considering risks, time horizon, and tools such as BBVA "Investments".
Having clear objectives, diversifying, and making the most of technological tools will help you invest with more confidence and achieve better results.
In our everyday economic life, we must deal with a series of spending and saving habits that are at odds but inseparable.
A savings plan with milestones is a powerful tool that can help us reach those goals and also deal with unexpected events.
Incorporating savings into our daily routine can be simple when we focus on making small, consistent changes.
Understanding whether to pay all at once or finance is essential to taking care of your money and making decisions that benefit you.
To manage your debt: organize, combine, and use methods like the “avalanche” or “snowball”. Rely on apps to track spending.
Choose between a loan or credit based on your needs, terms, interests and borrowing capacity. Check the options available.
Technology makes it easier to save with automatic tools, discipline and planning, like with kids and piggy banks.
Technology can be very useful for developing certain habits that positively affect your finances.
Being aware of income and expenditure is very effective for having healthy finances and prepared to deal with unforeseen events.
Reducing expenses requires patience, perseverance, and time to analyze what we really spend our money on every month.
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