
This number indicates the product risk, with 1 / 6 representing the lowest risk and 6 / 6 representing the highest risk.

BBVA is affiliated with Spain's Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions. The maximum amount guaranteed is €100,000 per person for the total of all deposits established at BBVA.

Set up your account

Set up your account to manage your money and save in your own way without almost noticing it.

Create rules to make your money and your account behave the way you want.

Manage your account automatically thanks to the six rules available.
  • Combine different rules to get the most out of them. 
  • Change, deactivate or delete rules as needed. 
  • Receive notifications to keep on top of the rules you have activated. 

What is Set Up Your Account: automatic management of your accounts?

  • It's a service that consists of simple rules to manage your accounts automatically so you can save and have more control of your money. To do this, you can activate and deactivate the rules, which are detailed below, however and whenever you want. 

    Manage your accounts automatically and enjoy your plans to the fullest.

    Watch video Set up and automatically manage your account

Your bank on your smartphone with the BBVA app

The rules for automatically managing accounts

  • Save part of your paycheck

    Choose the percentage of your paycheck you want to save automatically.
  • Minimum balance: avoids unforeseen events

    Choose the minimum balance you want to keep in your account.
  • Maximum balance: saves any extra balance

    From your cell phone, from anywhere.
  • Rounding off in purchases

    Round up the amount you pay in your purchases and save it to the BBVA account, pension plan or investment fund of your choice. 
  • End of month savings

    Automatically save a percentage of what's left over at the end of the month.

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